Our History:
Building Community

1956-1957 Founding Year 

Beta Sigma Phi was founded 75 years ago in 1931 by Walter Ross as a means for women to experience and participate in social, educational, civic and service ventures for personal and community benefit.

Eta Nu of Boyne City, Michigan, was founded in 1956.  It was called a "Silver Anniversary" chapter because it was founded during Beta Sigma Phi's 25th anniversary year.  Two Petoskey Beta Sigma Phi chapters, Delta Tau and Xi Alpha Eta founded Eta Nu as a "Friendly Venture," the name given by Beta Sigma Phi to the activities such as creating a new chapter.

The organizational meeting and initiation of members and officers was held at the Hotel Dilworth on Wednesday, October 31, 1956.  Ruth Sheets (and husband Don) owned the Hotel Dilworth and worked with the Petoskey chapters to facilitate this organizational meeting.  The Hotel Dilworth has continued to be a central feature of Eta Nu's 50 years in Boyne City.

First initiates were:

Officers initiated were:

Thelma Behling, R.N. Treasurer; Margaret Burley, Extension Officer; Joanne Carpenter, Corresponding Secretary; Inga Casper, Recording Secretary; Marydell Dilworth, Vice President; Alma Dryer, R.N.; Virginia Gocha, President; Bernice Plank, Historian; Vi Seals

The first chapter meeting was held on Wednesday, November 7, 1956, with future meetings to be held the first and third Wednesday of each month.

The first service project was "Frocks from Friends," which provided Christmas dresses to underprivileged young girls in the Boyne area community.  In November, Eta Nu held a Bridge-Canasta Benefit Tea to help raise funds for the project.  Many organizations donated funds and dresses to the project.  Funds raised helped to purchase dresses in sizes not donated during the drive.  Funds also went toward a $10 prize to the organization that donated the most dresses, a $5 prize for the best handmade dress donated, and a $3 prize to the second-best handmade dress donated.

Frocks from Friends continued until at least 1982.

The main project during the remainder of the first year was to help with the Boyne City waterfront improvement program (water testing, beach cleanup and development, etc.).  Eta Nu also participated in projects connected to Grandvue.

Updated Sept. 29, 2022 P. Scott

  • 1957-1958

    Eta Nu continued the projects from the first year.  A major fund-raiser was the Fall Fashion Show featuring fall fashions from Gocha's of Boyne City, and children's back-to-school styles from Helen's of Boyne City.

    There was one new pledge, Dolphine (Dolly) Higgins.


    In October, Eta Nu participated with other area Beta Sigma Phi chapters in planning and hosting the Beta Sigma Phi convention in Petoskey.  Founder Walter Ross and his wife attended from Kansas City, Missouri.

    In April 1959, Eta Nu put on a Spring-Summer Fashion Show with the proceeds going to Avalanche Ski Area.


    The Boyne Area Chamber of Commerce asked Eta Nu to take charge of the annual selection of the Boyne City Queen, to represent Boyne City at:

      • National Trout Festival in Kalkaska

      • Northern Winter Sports Carnival in Gaylord

      • Petoskey Winter Carnival

      • Cherry Festival in Traverse City

      • Miss Michigan Contest

    In addition, Eta Nu continued other projects started in previous years.

  • 1960-1961 and 1961-1962

    Eta Nu continued the Frocks From Friends dress drive and added shirts for boys.  The Queen Contest also continued.  Spring fund-raisers in May 1962 and May 1963 were a fun night on the order of a minstrel and talent show.


    Eta Nu assisted in a city-wide project to raise funds for an ambulance service, for equipment for the ambulance, and for a perpetual ambulance fund.


    The big fund-raiser, held in May of 1964, was a Charity Ball at the Hotel Dilworth.

    Eta Nu continued to oversee the Queen Contest.  A few of the queens over the years were:

      • Judy Gerrie in 1961-1962

      • Bonnie Sheets in 1962-1963

      • Pat Davis in 1963-1964

      • Linda Hale in 1964-1965.  Linda went on to become the Michigan Winter Sports Queen, the Cherry Festival Queen and Miss Michigan.

      • Patsy Robinson 1965-1966


    Eta Nu sponsored Girl Scout Troop 277


    Eta Nu entered a float in the Boyne City July 4th Parade.

  • 1975 may have been the first year for Lights of Love.  In 1977, Eta Nu had contributed a total from the first year of at least $37,167.90 to the Hospice of Northwest Michigan.  There appears to have been a break after 1982.  Lights of Love appear to have started up again in 1987, and contributed at total of $11,651.17 from 1987 through 1993.

  • 1976-1977

    Eta Nu dressed in costumes (not clowns), sold balloons and had a float in the 4th of July parade to raise money for the fireworks.


    Eta Nu held a bake sale to raise funds to buy toys and games for the Summertree Foster Home.

    The major fund-raiser for Frocks from Friends was a Casino Night.

    In August, Eta Nu had a float in the Polish Festival parade in Boyne Falls.

  • 1980

    Eta Nu participated in a raft race on the Boyne River.  Rafts were inner tubes with tiny sails attached on short "masts."  Rafters had one paddle to guide the inner tube and to assist the sail.


    A bike-a-thon raised over $1,000 in pledges for Cystic Fibrosis.

    During July 4th events, the Eta Nu "Hookers" raffled a hooked rug they had made to raise funds for community projects.


    Eta Nu projects included:

      • Frocks from Friends

      • Lights of Love

      • United Way

      • Special Olympics

      • Boyne City Fire Department

      • Boyne City Music Boosters

      • Emergency Assistance Fund



    In November, Eta Nu members worked with residents of Litzenburger to trim their Christmas tree.  They strung popcorn and cranberry chains to adorn the tree along with other decorations.

    In April, Eta Nu held a card party for Litzenburger residents.


    Eta Nu held a bake sale to help raise funds for local ski star, Cary Adgate, who was a member of the U.S. Ski Team.

    Members held a couples' cross-country ski outing for their winter social event.  They held an auction to raise funds, over $1,000, for the library and hospice. There was also a Bean Soup & Hotdog fund raiser.


    In August, Eta Nu put on the Champaign and Furs fund-raiser at Stafford's One Water Street.

    In September, the ladies again donned fashions for the 1st Annual Benefit Fashion Show to raise funds for various projects.  This year there was no Charity Ball and apparently no Frocks from Friends from this point on.

    The July 4th balloon sales became "Clowns for a Cause," to raise funds for the annual fireworks.


    The Santa's Stocking fund-raiser provided hats and mittens for the Boyne City Elementary School to loan to children who needed them during the winter.  The winter new pledges' dinner was held at "The Depot" (now Lester's).  Eta Nu sisters held a Bingo Night for Litzenburger residents.  There was an Easter Basket raffle to raise funds for projects.  In April, Eta Nu co-hosted with Xi Gamma the Founders Day dinner at Boyne Mountain.  (Nothing in the history indicates when Xi Gamma was created, but it was made up of women who had been Eta Nu members for many years, and who then moved up a stage to a more senior level of the Beta Sigma Phi chapter structure.)

    Eta Nu held a reunion with past members at a Holiday Inn.  One enjoyable part of the reunion was a Hot Tub party.


    Margaret Lasater was "roasted" for her 23 years as an Eta Nu member.  (Ergo, in 2006, Margaret has been an Eta Nu member for 41 years!  You go girl!!!)

    The Eta Nu spring social event was a golf outing with spouses.



    There was a garage sale fundraiser.  The Easter Basket fundraiser provided $350 to the Boyne City Nursery Center.


    Projects included Special Olympics, a lingerie party, Clowns for a Cause, and a Thanksgiving Basket fundraiser.

  • 1990-1991

    The winter pledges' dinner was held at the Station House (how Lester's).  Xi Gamma invited Eta Nu to a Western Party, complete with costumes.  Eta Nu held a Valentine's Day Party for Litzenburger residents.  Lights of Love raised $1,825 for Hospice of Northwest Michigan.

    The first annual Home Tour became the major fundraiser.


    Eta Nu donated 25 bears to the Boyne City ambulance service for comforting injured youngsters being transported by ambulance. Eta Nu and Xi Gamma had a joint Halloween Party.  Eta Nu held a raffle to help underprivileged families at Christmas.  The sisters learned CPR.  At Christmas, they sold cards designed by member, Lynn Osterbeck.  Proceeds from the card sales went to Hospice of Northwest Michigan.  Home Tour continues through 2004.


    In March, Eta Nu held a dinner at Litzenburger to honor 4 residents who were 90 years old or older.  They also honored one resident who had been at Litzenburger since it opened in 1970.  Lights of Love donations from 1987 to 1994-95 total nearly $17,000.


    Lois Bolan and Ralph Stowe are pledges, as are Roxie Loding, Chris Cambric, Beth Jarema, Rebecca Pence, Susan Peters, and Dawn Noblett.


    Eta Nu sisters learn about investing at an evening meeting.  They exercise their creativity at the Pottery Barn by decorating their own pottery pieces.  The winter social event is a couples' ski night at Boyne Mountain.


    The second annual couples' ski night social happens at Boyne Mountain.

  • 2000-2001

    The third annual couples' ski night social happens at Boyne Mountain.



    The final home tour was held in August.  Eta Nu is in a transition period with many sisters feeling our group needs to look at other ways to provide service to the community. 


    Eta Nu Chapter #5195 of Boyne City, Michigan officially disassociated from Beta Sigma Phi effective January 1, 2005.  The group reorganized as Boyne Eta Nu Women's Club during the autumn of 2004.  The Constitution committee presented their draft document to membership at the regular Club meeting on November 8, 2004. Following group discussion and minor revisions of the document, members unanimously voted to approve the new Constitution and By-Laws of Boyne Eta Nu Women's Club also creating sister organization Boyne Eta Nu Charities for the sole purpose of fundraising for local organizations.

    Rather than raising funds, members have determined they would rather have involvement that is more personal.  Two service projects started this year are classroom assistants for the Boyne Falls School district, and driving Litzenburger residents to medical appointments.  We continue to raise funds to provide books and other materials to the Boyne District Library.  We continue to purchase clothes for selected underprivileged children in the Boyne City Schools.  We continue to provide funds to the Boyne City July 4th Fireworks fund through Clowns for a Cause.  We continue to do Lights of Love to raise funds for the Hospice of Northwest Michigan.  A Garage Sale at the Co-Op raised $2000 for Boyne City Preschool and $500 for the Boyne Summer Swim School


    Eta Nu’s Community Fundraiser was a Garage Sale with the Rotary. Recipients included Boyne City Preschool - $1500 and the seventh Day Adventist Food Bank - $800.


    A Quilt Raffle netted $477 for the seventh Day Adventist Food Bank


    An Instant Wine Cellar Fundraiser recipient is the seventh Day Adventist Food Bank - $2,273.44


    Discontinued Area Schools Classroom Assistants project due to the lack of interest. 

    Sue Houston (Service Projects Director) was very excited to let membership know about a possible new service opportunity for this fall. The Boyne City Elementary School is organizing a "Dressed For Chill '09" coats, snow pants and boots drive from October 31 - November 21 to serve an estimated 40+ K-4th grade students. Kristin Bates, an AmeriCorps worker is working with Sue Hoffman, the school social worker, and is the person heading up this project.

    Eta Nu has been asked if we would consider volunteering our services to help with this effort. Probably no more than 12-15 volunteers would be needed.

    Eta Nu held another Instant Wine Cellar at Boyne Mountain Grand for its Community Spring Fund Raiser; recipients included: 7th Day Adventist Boyne Food Pantry, Boyne Area Community Free Clinic and Boyne Area 4-H Swim School

    Article III.2 amended in April 2009 at direction of State of Michigan Department of Lotteries when Boyne Eta Nu Charities applied for gaming license in order to hold the Spring Wine Cellar Raffle in May 2009, and formally adopted on 10-25-2009 by the Boyne Eta Nu Charities Board.

    2. Article VII amended on 10-25-2009 to correct the dates of the fiscal year from the original incorrect dates of May 1st to April 30th to the correct dates of June 1st to May 31st.

  • 2010-2011

    During the 2010-2011 program years, the board decided to simplify the structure. We became one organization under the name "Boyne Eta Nu Charities," with the purpose of raising and distributing charitable funds, as we have done since 2005.  We consolidated the Board of Officers and set up one constitution and one set of by-laws. 



    Eta Nu focused on its core programs, Dress for Chill, Family Project, 4th of July Fireworks Funds, Lights of Love, Litzenberger Breakfast & Dinner Service. The Library Fundraiser was discontinued in lieu of supporting two children Library events, Ginger Bread House and Dolly & me Tea Party. Eta Nu provides snacks, personal assistants during the events. The group also donated $200 from our general fund to purchase a baby changing station for the Good Neighbor Food Pantry.

    Social events included a tour of the Earl Young homes in Charlevoix and bowling party.

    Cultural Programs included physical therapists and how to make rustic bread and a mushrooming demonstrations.